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Noorderlicht Photofestival

21 October 2017

  • Noorderlicht Logo
  • The 24th edition of the Noorderlicht 2017 International Photography Festival is about science and the representation of it by photographers and artists. Artists often ask themselves the same questions as scientists and share many of the same principles: originality, creativity and an open mind. In NUCLEUS (‘the core’) the two disciplines will enter into a dialogue with one another: science is a subject in the festival as well as a source of inspiration. The exhibitions revolve around the human urge to want to understand and control the world around us. NUCLEUS is about discovery and progress.

    Six pictures of Karin Borghouts’ series ‘Reliquiae’ are selected for the exhibition NUCLEUS. “For RELIQUIAE, Karin Borghouts photographed animal models, replicas, casts and specimens from different university collections. Borghouts was struck by the formal beauty of these bizarre remnants of deceased animals, which are transformed into objects of study. To take them out of their fixed context and do justice to their alienated beauty, Borghouts photographed the objects against pink, mint green and turquoise backgrounds. In doing so, Borghouts retains the remnants of an existence, and breathes life into them by awarding them the special status of artwork.”

    Several places in Groningen and Assen, NL. Karin’s work is exhibited in Der Aa-kerk Groningen.
    Thanks to Gents Universiteitsmuseum and Noorderlicht House of Photography

    Octobre 22 - Novembre 26, 2017

    Info and tickets

    Look here at some photographs of Nucleus on

    THE IMAGINATION OF SCIENCE | till 1 April 2018
    Albert van Abbehuis proudly presents Strange Worlds: The Imagination of Science. The exhibition features a selection of international and national artists that was part of the Nucleus Noorderlicht Photofestival 2017 in Groningen. This collaboration allows us to extend the enchantment of art and science to Eindhoven. The selected artists specialise in photography as medium. The creative documentation of scientific and technological realities lies at the heart of the exhibition. Each artist has a unique approach to various sectors within the fields of science and technology, allowing an exciting view into worlds that would otherwise not necessarily be available to the general public. Come and view how these influential artists unfocus our view of traditional scientific representation by venturing into strange and wonderful worlds through the imagination of science and technology.

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