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Duo exhibition with Mieke Teirlinck in Knokke

27 October 2018

  • Huis Marten Melsen 5358 60 20180906144449
  • ‘Traces of Memory’, an exhibition with Karin Borghouts, photography and Mieke Teirlinck, paintings

    October 27, 2018 - January 6, 2019
    Still open occasionaly and on appointment until January 27.
    Open on Friday, Saturday and Sunday 2 - 6 pm

    Gallery De Mijlpaal
    Zeedijk 816 - 8300 Knokke - Zoute Belgium
    0032 471 645 937

    Karin Borghouts shows a new series of photos: ‘A painter’s house’.
 After his death, the house of the painter Marten Melsen (1870-1947) was inhabited by his daughters. The sisters continued to live there until they were well into their eighties. They kept the house intact, as their father left it behind.The photos of these authentic interiors offer a view to a time that is not too far behind us, but yet has ended. Through her art painters education, and also due to a beautiful light, Karin Borghouts knows how to unveil this photogenic environment with a special and empathic sensitivity.
    The recent paintings by Mieke Teirlinck depict a great sensitivity to traumatic memories. “She touches subjectsthat are rather kept hidden from the eye or society has developed a blind spot for. Her paintings often depict fragility and helplessness. Her subjects appear completely isolated and are presented without frills or decorum. But even though she strips her subjects back to their bare bones, you always look at ostensibly idyllic, sometimes humorous scenes. At second glance, however, when the shiny veneer is peeled away, a darker layer of angst or pain can be experienced. It is this graceful marriage of opposites that makes her work so unique and alluring” (Johan Debruyne). In fifteen years time Mieke Teirlinck has created an equally impressive and captivating body of works. Her book ‘Humanity paintings’ was published in 2016.

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