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Documentary on Canvas and in Kunstuur

23 February 2017

  • Schermafbeelding
  • ‘België scherpgesteld’ is a documentary series about Belgium through the lense of Belgium photographers.
    Karin Borghouts was on view in the last episode ‘De kunst van het selecteren’ (The art of selecting) on December 18, 2016 on Canvas TV.
    België scherpgesteld is a production of Las Belgas (Johannes Bucher and Jurgen Buedts).

    The documentary about Karin Borghouts and Stephan Vanfleteren was on view on the Dutch television NPO2 in Kunstuur on Sunday February 26, 2017 at 5:40 pm.

    LOOK HERE (fragment Karin Borghouts, © Las Belgas)

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