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City Photographer in MAS Antwerp

25 April 2017

  • Voetgangerstunnel 3470 76 NIEUW
  • The exhibition ‘City Photographer’ will bring Antwerp’s many faces to the MAS Boulevard from 30 April 2017. Fifteen city photographers supply a diverse range of photos. They create an unprecedented love letter to the city in all its manifestations. A city changes very quickly, both demographically and with regard to urban development. It’s necessary to construct a visual memory for future generations of Antwerp residents. The city photographers are recording tomorrow’s history. In 20 years time we will look at their photos like we look at images from another era.

    The MAS asked curator Kaat Celis to make a selection from the 15 portfolios and to create one huge, inspiring and surprising look at the city. This results in a visual love letter for Antwerp, an associative narrative on the love-hate relations with the city from a photographer’s point of view. Different periods, places and styles are brought together on eight floors under eight emotions.

    The love letter is a fusion of images from 15 famous and less well-known photographers: David Ameye, Jef Beirinckx, Karin Borghouts, Frederik Buyckx, Sanne De Wilde, Jasper Léonard, Charlotte Lybeer, Sigrid Spinnox, Davy Van Laere, Stany Dederen, Sacha Jennis, Dieter De Lathauwer, Myriam Vertenten, Lara D’hondt and Ksenia Galiaeva.

    Karin Borghouts was selected as a city photographer in Antwerp Belgium from March 2012 to March 2014.

    City Photographer
    25 April 2017 - 15 April 2018
    MAS Boulevard, Hanzestedeplaats 1, Antwerp, Belgium
    Free access
    From 1/11 to 31/3: Tuesday to Sunday from 10 am to 10 pm.
    From 1/4 to 31/10: Tuesday to Sunday from 10 am to 12 midnight

    The book STADSFOTOGRAAF is published by BAI en is available in the MAS shop (22,5 euro)

    Look here at some photos 2012-2014
    Look also here for the book ‘Antwerpen Stad verbeeld’, commissioned by Ronny van de Velde (2016)

    Stad Antwerpen made a small videoportrait of Karin Borghouts, look here on YouTube

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