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Mechelen, in the footsteps of Margareta


The City of Mechelen Belgium commissioned Karin Borghouts to photograph over 40 historical buildings and places with origins in the Burgundian period and later. Margareta of Austria was Regent of the Habsburg Netherlands and died in Mechelen in 1530. The photographs make a valuable contribution to the city archives and will be used for multiple purposes.


  • Beringen, St.-Theodardus © Karin Borghouts


    Churches - Vlaams Bouwmeester

    On 30 January 2024, Team Vlaams Bouwmeester presented the book "Herscheppen. Ontwerpend onderzoek voor het Projectbureau Herbestemming Kerken 2016-2021".For several…

  • Fin-de-siecle Museum Brussels © Karin Borghouts


    Fin-de-Siècle Museum

    On 8 January 2024, the Fin-de-Siècle Museum closed its doors. Located in the heart of Brussels, this museum is part…

  • Fierensblokken Antwerpen ©Karin Borghouts/HCVA


    Fierensblokken Antwerp

    The Fierens blocks on the corner of Nationalestraat and Kronenburgstraat in Antwerp Belgium have almost been demolished. After years of…

  • Nuenen, Protestant Church © Karin Borghouts/Van Gogh Brabant


    Atlas Van Gogh in Brabant

    Vincent van Gogh (1853-1890) spent half his life in Brabant, in the Netherlands. A significant part of his oeuvre was…