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Interbellum house Huib Hoste in Knokke


The house De Beir is a modernist building designed by the Belgian architect Huib Hoste in 1924. It is situated in Knokke Belgium close to the Northsea. Gallery Ronny Van de Velde commissioned Karin Borghouts to photograph exterior and interiors and will organize four art exhibitions in the house during 2018. The photographs of the house and of the exhibitionsviews are published in the books accompanying the exhibitions.

Huib Hoste en zijn tijdgenoten
Belgian Avant-Garde 1914 -1930
March 25 – May 14, 2018, with publication
with artists Felix De Boeck, Prosper De Troyer, Pierre Flouquet, J.J.Gailliard, Huib Hoste, Oscar Jespers, Paul Joostens, Jos Leonard, Karel Maes, René Magritte, Jozef Peeters, Jules Schmalzigaug, Victor Servranckx , Edmond Van Dooren, Hubert Wolfs, a.o.

Amédée Cortier (1921 -1976)
May 19 - July 23, 2018, with publication

Willy De Sauter (°1938)
August 3 - September 23, 2018, with publication

Experimentele fotografie in België
Photographie expérimentale en Belgique
October 6 - December 16, 2018, with publication

Gallery Ronny Van de Velde
Huis de Beir, Huib Hoste
Dumortierlaan 8 - 8300 Knokke Belgium

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